a new (used) canvas

I gave the second canvas a nice, thick yellow backdrop, making it a lovely place to begin painting a new bird. It was exciting to start a new painting experiment, but the first experiement went downhill quickly.
canvas 2 the horrible bird 1

The original canvas had a really lovely picture of one of the Minions from “Despicable Me”. I painted over it with yellow, and started with a green bird. The green was hideous, but I pursued the bird anyway, adding more and more colors, hoping to create a beautiful plummage for the emerging bird. This is the only shot of the bird I really care to share here. I painted over the canvas again with a dark blood- red, and started anew.

Here are some lovely yellow blobs that I’ll call “the flock”. After adding a bit of black, blue and white to the blobs, “the flock” remains this way in the Arctic Room.

canvas 2 flock 2

canvas 2 flock 5

canvas 2 flock  final

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4 Responses to “a new (used) canvas”

  1. Alison February 5, 2014 at 3:23 am #

    I like those birds! They look a little ungainly – if I had wings I would probably fly that way. The black strokes (or dark blue?) are kind of Chinese in style. Nice! I’m fond of minions, but this is an improvement.

  2. Steve February 5, 2014 at 6:44 pm #

    Thanks, Alison! If I had wings, I’d probably fly this way, too.

  3. Bee February 6, 2014 at 10:30 pm #

    I like the look of the larger bird in the lower left.

    • Steve February 7, 2014 at 3:14 am #

      Thank you, Bee! I like the wings on that one.

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