Dancing chicken

dancing chicken 2
Now that our comic convention is over (it was a great success!), I have a little more time to post blogs and paint more.
I’ve become increasingly cavalier concerning which paintings I will keep and which ones I paint over. Only a select few of the originals have survived. Most of the paintings last for a few days or a week, and then are painted over. Very liberating. (Any of these paintings below may well be transformed or overpainted if and when the mood strikes. They are all fleeting images.)

may zebra 3
The one below is turning into a bird (I think). It used to be the painting I called “Blue and Red”, but I’ve gotten tired of it.

may 9 bird
The baby bird below was the only part of a larger painting that I cared for, so I began painting on the canvas multiple layers, but keeping the baby bird intact. What used to be a mother bird and a baby bird is now an Elegant Mess.
elegant baby bird

elegant mess 2

I turned the painting upside down (below) to create this tiny patch of green, which I imagine as a little cityscape, perhaps in a goldfish bowl.

Emerald City

An Elegant Mess is the result of a collaborative session with D. in the Arctic Room, my brush accompanying his guitar playing. I will greatly miss our collaborative sessions when he moves away. He has become a dear friend.

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