1st and 2nd place caption Winners!

Winning caption!

My cat and I pulled an all-nighter reading your captions, drinking beer, laughing and eating pizza. The choices were difficult, and we did get into a few arguments over which caption should win, but we finally agreed on one winning caption, and 2 second place winners. We’ll share many of the other captions that made us giggle and snort, so you can choose your own favorites, too.
The prizes for the winners is their captions will be included in my next cartoon submission to the New Yorker magazine. My cat insists that kitty hairball treats be included in the prize package.
Congratulations Keith, for your winning caption! Congratulations to Carrie and Larry R. for second place!
roll over play dead
Chines again

Thanks for playing, everyone. We’ll do another caption contest soon. We hope you had fun!

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2 Responses to “1st and 2nd place caption Winners!”

  1. leighlynn January 25, 2016 at 6:55 pm #

    Congrats Keith! Hitchcock would be proud.

  2. wiliam atkinson January 27, 2016 at 4:02 pm #

    i still say the one about calling the Wolf aka Pulp Fiction

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