A baboon’s face?

march 22 birds w black baboon
Does anyone else see the baboon’s face in this painting??

march 22 canvases
Here’s a display of the canvases in the Arctic Room from a couple days ago. (Most of them have already changed now!) I like the variety of color in the various backdrops. There is a styrofoam box lid there, too. Someone told me that it makes for an interesting painting surface, so I’m trying it out.

Below is a new painting (on the Minion Canvas) for my friend, T.

march 22 map for Todd

march 22 birds white
This is my messy painting space. BUT: B. just bought me an easel, so things could be a little tidier, perhaps. We’ll see. I’ll show off the new easel in my next post later this week.

march 22 painting space

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One Response to “A baboon’s face?”

  1. misabelle March 27, 2014 at 8:21 pm #

    I see the baboon! Although at first I thought it was two fluffy birds.

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