Birthday week Continues!

     This is the Birthday Party invitation I sent out to friends for my 30th Birthday.  The party was at the Greenwood House in Seattle, and it was a good one. It was the party that accidentally fell on Leah’s Birthday, and it was the night several of my friends gave me a camera as a present! I believe the police showed up at one point, too.
       I’ve posted the picture of the party and the house before, but I’m showing it here again (below), just to re-live it for myself, and to share it again with you who were there. I remember we put up the rain tarp just in case, but it turned out to be a clear night (unusual for Seattle in February). The back porch was draped in Christmas lights, where all the smokers converged. I was one of them then. That’s me, in the picture, in the hat, stepping off the porch to re-fill my cup of beer. If you were there, perhaps you can find yourself on the porch. (Unless you were inside the house, of course.)
Happy Birthday, Judy! And everyone else!
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